Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sarah ~ Blog #4 (Day 12)

(no picture of the dress today...however I attached this picture from my senior trip in the Dominican Republic...we saw the sunrise, it was amazing.)

‎"at her back was darkness still, but before her was light; pale yellow growing brilliant, gold-streaked with red & orange...she had never seen anything so beautiful" -Redeeming Love.

I love this quote, the imagery is so beautiful. Just imagine seeing your first sunrise ever. Experiencing the beauty of the sun rising up out of the darkness of the night and lighting up the entire world... The sun in all of its glory, filling sky, the brightness of it's rays, the warmth spreading onto the dewey earth... It's funny because as amazing  as all that sounds and as amazing as it is to experience, it pales in comparison to what it will be like to witness our God for the first time. I can't even imagine what it will be like when that day comes, when I get to see my God and be in His glorious presence for the first time. Not a million sunrises could come close to the beauty of my God. 

The symbolism for the girl in this story is so powerful... her past was complete darkness, she never experienced anything even resembling love, not even once. Then this man comes and literally carries her out of the darkness that filled her life and offers her a new life, a life full of love. He brings her to see her first sunrise, and as she stands with him she realizes her darkness is behind her, and for the first time she experiences the sun rising up and drenching her. Her past was behind her, and new life was ahead. Beautiful. It's what Christ has offered everyone of us. New life, and an end to the darkness. That's why I live my life for Him. He saved me from the darkness that had my life at a chokehold for so long. He gave me a reason to live.

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